Don’t misunderstand us—Wisconsin wants Foxconn
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently published a discouraging article titled “If Foxconn builds a manufacturing plant in Wisconsin, it won’t be what many expect.” From the standpoint of someone working...
Alliance, Center for Growth staff accepted to U.S. Chamber Talent Pipeline Management Academy
Robyn Ludtke, a staff member for both the Waukesha County Business Alliance and the Waukesha County Center for Growth has been accepted to participate in a cohort of 20 members...
New Study Reveals Long-Term Economic Growth Opportunities in Waukesha County
Today, Waukesha County leaders are announcing plans to ensure long-term economic growth in the County. The results of the recently completed Waukesha County Industrial/Business Park Land Absorption Study (IBPLAS) will...
Waukesha County Center for Growth Celebrates One Year Anniversary
During National Economic Development Week this week, the Waukesha County Center for Growth celebrated its one year anniversary with a ribbon cutting and open house.In May of 2016, Waukesha County,...